A tragic explosion shattered an apartment building in Harbin, China, claiming one life and leaving others injured. According to state media, the incident occurred on Thursday morning, around 7 am in the northeastern Heilongjiang province.
The force of the blast tore through the five-story building, with videos circulating online showing significant damage to several apartments. One apartment's balcony was entirely obliterated, leaving a gaping hole in its facade.
Initial investigations suggest that a natural gas tank may have been the source of the explosion. One female victim succumbed to her injuries, while three others were rushed to the hospital for treatment.
First responders worked tirelessly, evacuating residents and providing medical assistance. Images and videos captured the grim aftermath, with debris strewn across the streets and emergency personnel attending to the injured.
Xinhua news agency reported that the explosion occurred in Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang province. Local officials have launched an investigation to determine the exact cause of the incident and ensure the safety of nearby residents.