EU vote concludes with far-right seeking success

| The Bridge Post

EU vote concludes with far-right seeking success_

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Across the sprawling European landscape, from the vibrant streets of Vilnius to the bustling metropolis of Madrid, tens of millions of citizens embarked on a democratic pilgrimage on the final day of the European Union's parliamentary elections. The stakes were high, with far-right parties eagerly eyeing gains in this pivotal moment for the bloc.

Twenty-one of the bloc's 27 member states, including powerhouses France and Germany, cast their ballots on this decisive day, determining the course of the European Union for the next five years. The world舞台上,各国都在相互孤立,坚守和平与民主的立场尤为重要,52 岁的柏林选民坦尼娅·赖特如是说。

此次选举正值欧洲大陆风雨飘摇之际:俄罗斯与乌克兰的冲突、由美中竞争引发的全球贸易紧张局势、气候紧急状态,以及西方可能很快需要适应唐纳德·特朗普再度上台后的新局面。现在我们正处于不确定的境地,马德里一家体育中心运营商海梅·巴霍在投票后表示。我可以理解人们为何感到恐惧并投下激进的一票,这位 40 岁选民预测欧洲极端主义势力将抬头。

历史性的低投票率超过 3.6 亿人有资格参加为期四天的选举,尽管欧盟选举的投票率历来较低。欧盟下一届议会将帮助决定谁来领导强大的欧盟委员会,德国保守派乌尔苏拉·冯·德·莱恩(已在祖国投下选票)正竞选连任。

虽然预计中间派政党将继续占据议会 720 个席位中的大部分,但民意调查显示,他们将因更强大的极端势力而削弱,从而将欧盟推向极端保守主义。
