At the extravagant Met Gala 2024, Alia Bhatt, a renowned Indian actress, graced the red carpet with an awe-inspiring display of traditional elegance. Donning an exquisite Sabyasachi saree, she exuded the timeless allure of an Indian princess. Every inch of the pastel-hued ensemble shimmered with an intricate symphony of sapphires, diamonds, emeralds, and pearls. The 23-foot-long train, a mesmerizing spectacle, cascaded behind her like a silken waterfall.
In a candid interview at the gala, Alia shed light on the meticulous craftsmanship behind her magnificent attire. She revealed the staggering amount of dedication and artistry poured into its creation: This is all hand embroidery. It took, let me clarify, one thousand nine hundred and five man hours (1,905) and a hundred and sixty-three (163) craftsmen, embroidery workers, and countless others to bring this garment to life.
However, observant viewers noticed a discrepancy in Alia's statement. Her social media post following the event revealed that the saree's creation actually required 1,965 man hours, a subtle but significant difference from the number she cited in the interview.
This innocuous error is not without precedent in Alia's public appearances. During her debut on Karan Johar's popular chat show, she inadvertently referred to Prithviraj Chauhan, a legendary historical figure, as the President of India, a post held by Dr. Pranab Mukherjee at the time.
In another amusing incident, upon receiving the National Award for her performance in Gangubai Kathiawadi, Alia's excitement got the better of her, and she exclaimed, Bahut hi bada moment hai as usual, before quickly correcting herself with a laugh: I mean, but obvious!
These occasional gaffes, while amusing to some, serve as reminders that even the most celebrated figures are not immune to the occasional slip-up. As the adage goes, Bade bade deshon mein aisi chhoti chhoti baatein hoti hi rehti hain.