Bollywood's beloved couple, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, have been spreading love throughout their family and sharing adorable moments with their daughter, Raha. Their bond as parents has been evident in their recent gestures, particularly in Ranbir's heartwarming display of affection.
In a recently surfaced photo, Ranbir is captured posing with a fan while sporting a baby pink t-shirt. The t-shirt's design is adorned with Raha's name in Hindi, accompanied by an adorable panda. This loving tribute to his daughter sent fans into a frenzy on social media.
Pookie in pink, exclaimed one fan, while another admirer commented, So sweet. A third fan couldn't resist adding, Such a sweetu....he wearing tshirt with Raha's name on it cutest dad to exist #RanbirKapoor.
Beyond this affectionate display, the couple is eagerly anticipating the completion of their luxurious new bungalow. As per sources quoted in Hindustan Times, the family will relocate to their new home in the coming months. The ongoing work on their bungalow is almost done, with the finishing going on, which should take one month or so. After the work is done, and they get a green signal, the couple will move into the place, said the source.
On the professional front, Ranbir will soon be making his appearance in Nitesh Tiwari's highly anticipated adaptation of Ramayana. The film features an impressive cast that includes Sai Pallavi, Yash, and Ravi Dubey.