Amidst the ongoing Lok Sabha polls, BJP candidate Pranat Tudu from West Bengal's Jhargram constituency faced an alleged attack by supporters of the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC). The BJP claimed that Tudu's security personnel sustained injuries during the incident.
Tudu and his security detail were visiting a polling booth in Garbeta following a complaint of voter intimidation when a mob reportedly hurled stones and chased them. The security personnel swiftly responded, evacuating Tudu to safety. Tudu's vehicle was vandalized in the attack.
Rejecting the BJP's allegations, TMC claimed that Tudu's security personnel assaulted and attacked a woman waiting in line to vote outside a polling booth in Garbeta, where the incident occurred.
The Jhargram reserved parliamentary constituency, spanning West Medinipur and Purulia districts, went to the polls on Sunday as part of the sixth phase of Lok Sabha elections.
The BJP and TMC are engaged in a trilateral contest in Jhargram, with Kalipada Soren representing TMC and Sonamani Tudu contesting on behalf of the CPI(M).
The incident adds to the heightened tensions and allegations of violence during the ongoing election campaign in West Bengal.