In the wake of the tragic fire that engulfed a gaming zone in Gujarat's Rajkot on Saturday evening, claiming the lives of 24 individuals including nine children, the authorities have apprehended three individuals. Among them are the manager of the TRP Game Zone, Nitin Jain, and the zone's owner, Yuvraj Singh Solanki.
The relentless blaze erupted within a makeshift structure located inside the TRP game zone, swiftly engulfing the premises and trapping the victims. Four fire brigade vehicles were promptly deployed to combat the inferno and facilitate rescue operations.
A dedicated Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been assembled under the leadership of Senior IPS officer Subhash Trivedi to spearhead the investigation into the incident. Comprising five officers, the SIT is tasked with meticulously unraveling the circumstances surrounding the fire.
Gujarat's Chief Minister, Bhupendra Patel, has issued directives prioritizing the provision of immediate medical care for the injured. Instructions have been given to the Municipal Corporation and the administration for immediate rescue and relief operations, Patel declared via Twitter.
Extending condolences to the bereaved families, Chief Minister Patel announced an ex gratia payment of Rs 4 lakh to each of those who lost loved ones in the tragedy. Additionally, Rs 50,000 was sanctioned for the injured. Emphasizing the need for thorough investigation, Patel confirmed the formation of an SIT to determine the precise cause of the fire.
The devastating fire has cast a somber pall over Rajkot, and the authorities are working diligently to provide support to the affected families and conduct a comprehensive investigation to prevent similar tragedies in the future.